This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
−ObjectStore requires 8 MB of paging space beyond the paging space requirements of any existing applications.
−One of the following to install the software:
-4mm tape drive
-8mm tape drive
•A physical connection for running TCP/IP between IBM 8285 and Nways Campus Manager ATM station
The requirements for the connection is as follows:
−Either Nways Campus Manager ATM directly attaches an ATM network to the IBM 8285 or attaches a legacy LAN via an ATM bridge/router.
−The following protocols are supported between the IBM 8285 and the ATM edge device, the Nways Campus Manager ATM workstation or the ATM bridge/router. The same protocol should be supported on both ends:
-CIP (RFC1577)
-Ethernet (DIX/Ethernet or IEEE 802.3) LAN Emulation
As no
Software Requirements:
AIX V4.1.4 or AIX V4.2 for Campus Manager - ATM
AIX V4.1.3, V4.1.4 or AIX V4.2 for Campus Manager - LAN and Router and Bridge Manager
•AIX Windows Environment/6000 V11R5
In order to have drag and drop functions working properly under AIX V3.2.5, the PTF U442598 (x11rte.obj) and U441397 (x11rte.motif1.2) are required.
OSF/Motif Version 1.2
IBM SystemView NetView for AIX, V3R1, V4R1 Server, Client with latest PTFs, namely:
−With NetView for AIX V3, PTF U444911 is required.
−With NetView Server for AIX V4, PTF U444912 is required.
•ObjectStore 4.0.2 Runtime (shipped with Campus Manager Suite, Campus Manager - LAN, and Campus Manager - ATM packages) is required for:
Chapter 8. IBM 8285 Management 155