This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
wrapped, and no signal is detected on the line.
the port is in
mode, ie the remote end of the line is wrapped, and a valid signal is detected on the line.
the port is in
mode, ie the remote end of the line is wrapped, and an internal error is detected.
the port is in
mode, ie the remote end of the line is wrapped, and an invalid signal is detected on the line.
When disabled, the port may be in only one of the following states:
::= { interfaceEntry 6 }
unknown (1), uni (2), ssi (3), nni (4)
″The type of ATM access offered on this port:
-UNI: User Network Interface
The ATM access can be modified only when the port is disabled.″
::= { interfaceEntry 7 }
unknown (1),
stp (6),
″The type of media supported on this port.″ ::= { interfaceEntry 8 }
Appendix E. IBM ATM Campus Switch Private MIBs 211