This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
This chapter provides an overview of the 8285 installation process. This includes physical and logical planning information, as well as details about the 8285 microcode and how to upgrade it.
•Chapter 7, ªIBM 8285 Configurationº
This chapter provides information on how to configure and troubleshoot a network of 8285 switches. Both Classical IP ATM networks and LAN Emulation ATM networks are discussed. Actual console samples are included, where appropriate, to facilitate understanding.
•Chapter 8, ªIBM 8285 Managementº
This chapter provides a discussion of how to manage an 8285 network using either an ASCII console or an
•Appendix A, ª8285 ATM Control Point Commandsº
This appendix provides an overview of the 8285 console, its functions, and its supported commands.
Appendix B, ªPinouts for Ports and Cablesº
This appendix provides
Appendix C, ªPart Numbers for Key Componentsº
This appendix contains a list of components and part numbers.
Appendix D, ªHints and Tips for the ATM
This appendix contains information concerning the latest release of code for the ATM
•Appendix E, ªIBM ATM Campus Switch Private MIBsº
This appendix contains the latest version of the IBM campus ATM switch private MIB.
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working for the Systems Management and Networking ITSO Center, Raleigh.
This project was designed and managed by Georges Tardy, LAN Campus Specialist at the Systems Management and Networking ITSO Center, Raleigh, working in La Gaude, France. He joined IBM in 1965, and was previously a hardware development engineer of campus hub products at La Gaude Laboratory, France.
The authors of this document are:
Marc Fleuette is a Senior Networking Technical Specialist from the IBM North American Sales and Services organization. He has been with IBM for nine years, in both marketing and technical positions, including two years as Technical Internetworking Marketing Specialist. He currently provides
xiiATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch