This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Figure 38. Simple CIP Network - Physical View
Figure 39. Simple CIP Network - Logical View
The parameters we use in our example are listed in Table 32. Because we have
only a single switch, both the 8285 ATM Control Point and the ARP server are in
the same logical ATM network and share the same ATM network prefix, cluster
number, and hub number. They are also part of the same IP subnetwork, so that
they can communicate directly with each other.
Table 32 (Page 1 of 2). Necessary Parameters for 8285 #1
Parameter Value Comments
Subnet Mask FF.FF.FF.C0 Must be entered in dotted
ATM prefix 3999999999999900009999 First 11-bytes of address.
ACN 01 12th byte.
AHN 01 13th byte.
124 ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch