This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
in a lesLecEntry associated to the given lesIndex. The lesLecEntry is defined in the lesMIB.″
::= { lesConfEntry 3 }
VARIABLES { sysObjectID, ifPhysAddress }
″A hello trap is sent:
-when the system
-when one of the following parameters is changed:
--agent IP address(es)
--agent subnet mask(s)
--ATM address of the IP ARP server
--IP address of the default gateway
The value of ifPhysAddress is the ATM address of the hub. The hello trap may be disabled.″
::= 1
VARIABLES { moduleSlotIndex }
″A lock trap is sent when a set request is rejected because it is suspected that this may cause to break the link between the agent and the manager. This may occur when:
-isolating a slot
-disabling a port
if the request is received through this specific port/module/slot.″ ::= 2
VARIABLES { moduleSlotIndex, ifIndex }
″A change trap is sent when one of the following MIB variables or group of variables is changed:
-Date and Time reset
-System Parameters (name, contact, location) changed
-Interface changed:
--Administrative State (enabled/disabled)
-Module changed:
--Administrative State (isolate/attach)
When one of this variable is changed, the lastChange MIB object is also updated with the current date and time.
When the Date and Time or the System Parameters changed,
the interface number of the hub virtual interface is returned. This trap may be disabled.″
::= 3