IBM SG24-4817-00 manual Swap Errors and Suggested Fixes

Models: SG24-4817-00

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￿8285> save all￿1￿ 8285> swap microcode

You are about to change operational microcode version and reset the hub. The saved hub configuration may be lost..

Are you sure ? (Y/N) Y

Migration allowed; checking for needed FPGA swaps

Some SWAP FPGA commands will be executed now...

Generated command: SWAP FPGA 1 ...￿2￿

Press Enter




(system reboots)




8285> save all￿1￿

8285> swap fpga_picocode 2￿3￿

You are about to change operational FPGA version.. Are you sure ? (Y/N) Y

￿Processing slot 2 ... Swap completed.￿2￿




￿1￿Save configuration changes before starting.

￿2￿SWAP FPGA message will be generated for each module being upgraded.

￿3￿SWAP FPGA_PICOCODE slot command entered to swap microcode levels on the module in slot 2.

Table 31. Swap Errors and Suggested Fixes



Possible Cause

Suggested Actions







The 8285 ATM Control

You must restore the

P r o m p t = ″ > >


Point was unable to find

8285s operational code

FPGA code that was

and configuration.

> > ″.



valid with its





Use the SWAP



operational code, and







ACTIVE command to



has reverted to





restore the previous



maintenance mode.


















Use the BOOT









command to restart





the system.




Re-enter your


















Re-enter your TFTP


















Repeat the









download and swap











120ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch

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IBM SG24-4817-00 manual Swap Errors and Suggested Fixes