This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.

slot/subslot is unoccupied, the timestamp indicates the time that the module was removed. If no module has occupied this slot/subslot since the last restart of the agent, the value of ssTimeLastChanged for this entry is zero.″

::= { ssLastChangedEntry 3 }

ssTimeLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory


The value of SysUpTime at the time that the

last change was detected to any of the information included in the summary table entry for this slot and subslot. A change in the value of this object signals the management station to re-get the corresponding summary information.″

::= { ssLastChangedEntry 4 }

ssLastChangedSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory


This object contains the value of ssTimeLastChanged for each slot/subslot in the concentrator. The first two octets contain the version of this object. The data

following the version begins with the first slot and

all of its sub-slots before continuing with the next slot.″

::= { staticSummary 3 }


--IBM 8260 Power Group

--This group is used for managing the

--power in the IBM 8260 hub.


--Hub power mode

ocPowerModeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { fault-tolerant(1), not-fault-tolerant(2)


ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory


The current desired state of hub power fault-tolerant

mode. Setting this object to fault-tolerant(1) will reserve one power supply′ s worth of power from the power budget for fault-tolerant operation, provided sufficient power is available. Setting this object to

not-fault-tolerant(2) returns the reserved power to the power budget.″

::= { ocPowerControl 1 }

Appendix E. IBM ATM Campus Switch Private MIBs 265

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Image 281
IBM SG24-4817-00 manual Description