This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
slot/subslot is unoccupied, the timestamp indicates the time that the module was removed. If no module has occupied this slot/subslot since the last restart of the agent, the value of ssTimeLastChanged for this entry is zero.″
::= { ssLastChangedEntry 3 }
″The value of SysUpTime at the time that the
last change was detected to any of the information included in the summary table entry for this slot and subslot. A change in the value of this object signals the management station to
::= { ssLastChangedEntry 4 }
″This object contains the value of ssTimeLastChanged for each slot/subslot in the concentrator. The first two octets contain the version of this object. The data
following the version begins with the first slot and
all of its
::= { staticSummary 3 }
--IBM 8260 Power Group
--This group is used for managing the
--power in the IBM 8260 hub.
--Hub power mode
ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory
″The current desired state of hub power
mode. Setting this object to
::= { ocPowerControl 1 }
Appendix E. IBM ATM Campus Switch Private MIBs 265