Advanced Operations
6.4Hole Punching (“Hole-Punch” Setting)
If an optional finisher
Types of hole punching
The number of holes punched (either two or three) is automatically selected according to the paper size and the paper feed method.
lNumber of holes punched: 2
Possible paper sizes: LetterL,
Possible paper types: Standard paper (17 to 24 lbs.)
lNumber of holes punched: 3
Possible paper sizes: LetterC, 11 × 17L
Possible paper types: Standard paper (17 to 24 lbs.)
Punched hole position:
The position of the punched hole differs according to the printed image and paper orientation.
lPossible paper sizes: LetterL, LetterC, LegalL, 11 × 17L
11 × 17L | LetterL |