Line 6 POD Farm 1.01 – Troubleshooting
Input & Output Level knobs (POD Farm Plug-In only) - When inserted on a track, POD Farm
Plug-In receives the input from your DAW software’s track, meaning it is affected by the level of your
track input, the software’s track input controls, the amplitude of audio clips within the track, and the
track volume for output. Therefore, POD Farm Plug-In offers both Input and Output knobs & meters
at the top of the window. Use these knobs to balance the in and out levels, and of course always turn
down to avoid clipping at either stage.
Plug-In Input Level knob & meter Plug-In Output Level knob & meter
Tone Volume knobs (POD Farm Plug-In) - A Volume knob and meter is also available for each Tone
1 and Tone 2 in the Signal Flow View. You’ll want to make sure these are turned up to show a healthy
output level on the meters.
Tone 1 & 2 Volume knobs & meters
Tone Volume and Meters - POD Farm Plug-In
Tone Volume knobs (POD Farm Standalone operation) - A Volume knob and meter is also available
when in POD Farm Standalone operation for each Tone 1 and Tone 2 in the Signal Flow View. Note
that these Volume knobs affect only the POD Farm Monitor signal, and not the signal fed to the
Record Sends.*
* One exception is if you have selected the “Mix (Tone 1 & 2)” option in either of the Mixer View - Record
Send Source menus. In this case, the SFV Tone Mute button, Pan and Volume knobs do affect the signal
fed to those Record Sends.
Monitor Output Level (POD Farm Standalone operation) - This volume affects only the Monitor
output, and not signal fed to the Record Sends. Normally, you’ll want to set this Volume knob at the
top of the window set as high as possible, without clipping on the meters.
Monitor Output knob & meter