POD Farm 1.01 – Glossary (What Is...?)
What is a Tone Preset?
A Tone Preset is a saved file on your computer which holds all controls that affect the processed sound applied to POD Farm. This includes Amp, Cab, Mic and Effects models in use, their bypass on/ off state, their parameter settings, their display within the POD Farm GUI, the Tone Preset Name, and any text data entered in the Text Info dialog. Note that POD Farm is also capable of creating and saving a Tone preset that contains one or two complete tones.
Tone Presets are stored on your computer as .l6t files and are accessed from either the Presets View, or one of the Tone Preset
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What is Tremolo?
Tremolo is another of POD Farm’s Modulation Effects, found in the Mods menu in Gear View. Tremolo produces a pulsing sound, and based on that astonishing effect built into
What is a USB hub?
A USB hub is a hardware device that can be connected to a computer’s
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What is Variax®?
The Line 6 Variax® line of instruments includes the revolutionary modeling electric guitar, acoustic guitar & electric bass that offer the sounds of dozens of classic axes all in one instrument! You can plug your Variax guitar or bass directly into POD X3 Live and POD X3 Pro and process the numerous guitar/bass sounds even further with the all your favorite POD flavors. To get even more out of your Variax, you can also purchase the Variax Workbench software which allows you to dive deeper and tweak pickup, body & control options, alternate tunings, create custom presets and more! Please check out the Line 6 site for more about Variax.
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