Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulation
Host PI
•Disable (default). The host does not send PI signals.
•Enable. The host sends PI signals. The Data Bit 8 configuration option must be disabled to transmit the PI line to the printer.
Max PI 16
•Enable (default). A paper slew of
•Disable. A paper slew of
Prt To Emulate
This option allows you to select an earlier model printer/IGP board combination to emulate. When a printer emulation is selected, the scaling command causes the printer to generate a graphic image in the same density as the printer emulation chosen. Five types of printers can be emulated: MVP or MVP 150B, L150, P3040, P6000, and P9000. Once a printer emulation is selected, it remains active until the printer is turned off or another printer emulation is selected. All new users with new applications should select the “Disable” option, which insures the printer behaves as described in this manual. The other compatibility modes are required to emulate the behaviors of older printers which may be inconsistent with the documented VGL functionality. Proper use of this feature requires the printer to be equipped with high resolution hammer bank tips (12 mil).