Serial Submenu
Interface Type
This parameter allows you to select either the
Data Protocol
You can select one of the following serial interface protocols to meet the host interface requirements.
•XON / XOFF (default). The printer controls the flow of communication from the host by turning the transmission on and off. In some situations, such as when the buffer is full or the timing of signals is too slow or too fast, the printer will tell the host to stop transmission by sending an XOFF character. An XOFF character is sent when the number of empty bytes in the buffer is less than or equal to 25 percent of the buffer size. If the host keeps sending data after an XOFF is sent, the printer firmware will continue to send an XOFF for every 16 characters received. When cleared, the printer will resume receiving data (XON). The data does not have any End of Text codes;
XON / XOFF is a
•ETX / ACK. End of Text / Acknowledge. The host controls the flow of communication to the printer by sending a block of data and ending the block with an End of Text (ETX) signal. When the printer receives the ETX signal, it will acknowledge the ETX, thereby acknowledging it has received the entire block of data.
•ACK / NAK. ACK means acknowledge; the device acknowledges it has accepted a transmission. NAK means negative acknowledge; the device did not receive the transmission.