Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulation (with PCL-II)
Compressed Print
Controls which host command sets compressed printing.
•Char 01 SOH (default)
•Char 03 ETX
•Char 09 HT
Elong/Alt. Font
Controls which host command sets elongated (double high) fonts and extended character set.
•Elng=BS Font=SO (default)
•Elng=SO Font=BS
HS Print (High Speed Print)
Controls which host command sets high speed printing.
•Char 02 STX (default)
•Char 03 ETX
•Char 09 HT
VFU Select
Controls how the printer handles vertical formatting. The choices are:
•EVFU (default). Enables the VFU and selects
•DVFU. Enables the VFU and selects the Dataproducts compatible Direct Access Vertical Format Unit (DVFU).
•CVFU. Enables the VFU and selects the Centronics compatible Direct Access Vertical Format Unit (CVFU).
•Disable. Disables all VFU processing.