Chapter 4 LG Emulation
This parameter forces the printer to insert an automatic Carriage Return code into the data stream whenever a Form Feed code occurs. This can be used in most installations, but it is required if the host computer does not send carriage returns to the printer.
•= FF (default). Does not perform an automatic carriage return. The next print position will be the current print position of the next form.
•= CR + FF. Performs an automatic carriage return. The next print position will be print position 1 of the next form.
Unsolicited Rpt
This option enables or disables Printer Device Status Reports to be sent to the host when a reportable status or error condition has occurred.
•No (default). Disables all unsolicited status reports from the printer.
•Small. Enables brief unsolicited status reports and sends an extended status report to the host.
•Big. Enables extended, unsolicited status reports and sends an extended status report to the host.
Print Mode Opt
When enabled, this option affects the SPI, SHS, and DECSHORP commands. The printer will no longer be forced into these commands and print speed improves significantly when in portrait orientation. For SHS and DECSHORP, the character size will change with the selected pitch. In addition, SGR attributes such as bold,
•Disable (default). Disables the fpirnt mode option. This provides compatibility with older LG printer products.
•Enable. Enables the print mode option.