Chapter 4 LG Emulation
•Top Mrg 6/0.This option sets the top margin for the forms. You must specify the top margin in lines (at 6 lines per inch), ranging from 0 to 198 lines (33 inches). The default setting is 0. Press the right arrow to increase the value, left arrow to decrease the value, and ENTER to change units. The margins will automatically adjust so that the top and bottom margins do not cross each other.
•Bot Mrg 66/6. This option sets the bottom margin for the forms. You must specify the bottom margin in lines (at 6 lines per inch), ranging from 0 to 198 lines (33 inches). The default setting is 66. Press the right arrow to increase the value, left arrow to decrease the value, and ENTER to change units. Selecting a value for this option resets the top margin to 0, so the top margin must be redefined after this option is selected.
Horiz Forms
•Left Mgr 0.00 (default). This sets the left margin for the forms. You must specify the left margin in 1/10 inch increments, from 0 to 13.1 inches. The default value is 0. Press the right arrow to increase the value, left arrow to decrease the value, and ENTER to change units. The margins will automatically adjust so that the left and right margins do not cross each other.
•Right Mrg 13.2. This sets the right margin for the forms. You must specify the right margin in 1/10 inch increments, from 0.1 to 13.2 inches. The default value is 13.2. Press the right arrow to increase the value, left arrow to decrease the value, and ENTER to change units. The margins will automatically adjust so that the left and right margins do not cross each other.
This parameter determines if text will wrap to the next line when the line of text exceeds the right margin.
•No (default). Any print data received past the forms width setting is discarded.
•Yes. An automatic carriage return and line feed is performed when data is received past the forms width setting.