P-Series Emulation
P-Series SFCC
This parameter allows you to select which ASCII codes will function as the Special Function Control Code (SFCC) command delimiter.
•ESC (hex 1B)
•SOH (hex 01)
•ETX (hex 03)
•TILDE (hex
NOTE: SOH, ETX, and ESC are
and (~) are printable; however, do not use them as printables in the host data stream if either is chosen as a delimiter because print errors will occur.
VFU Select
Controls how the printer handles vertical formatting.
•EVFU (default). Enables the VFU and selects
•DVFU. Enables the VFU and selects the Dataproducts compatible Direct Access Vertical Format Unit (DVFU).
•CVFU. Enables the VFU and selects the Centronics compatible Direct Access Vertical Format Unit (CVFU).
•Disable. Disables all VFU processing.
Alt. Set 80-9F
Determines whether the printer processes ASCII codes hex 80 through hex 9F as control codes or as printable characters. The options include:
•Control Code (default)