Computer Equipment
Managing Fabrics Zoning a Fabric 59097-02 B
336 pages
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Port Threshold Alarm Example
Default Visibility
Symbolic Name
Working Status Indicator
Switch Administrative States
Enabling Snmp Configuration
Resetting a Switch
Access Control List Hard Zones
Page 106
Image 106
3 – Managing Fabrics Zoning a Fabric
Page 105
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Page 106
Image 106
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SANbox 5600 Series Switch Managment User’s Guide
SANbox 5600 Series Switch Management User’s Guide
Document Revision History
Table of Contents
Section Managing Fabrics
SANbox 5600 Series Switch Management User’s Guide
Managing Switches
SANbox 5600 Series Switch Management User’s Guide
Section Managing Ports
Appendix a Command Line Interface
Glossary Index List of Figures
List of Tables
SANbox 5600 Series Switch Management User’s Guide
Related Materials
Intended Audience
Jdom License
Introduction Jdom License
Technical Support
Contact Information
Support Headquarters
Using SANsurfer Switch Manager
Workstation Requirements
Installing the Management Application
Workstation Requirements
SANsurfer Switch Manager
SMS Installation for Windows
SANsurfer Management Suite
SMS Installation for Linux
SMS Installation for Solaris
Change directories to the package location
Install the new SANsurfer Switch Manager package
Locate and execute the file
Starting SANsurfer Switch Manager
For Linux or Solaris enter the SANsurfer command
Initial Startup Dialog
SANsurfer Switch Manager Window
Exiting SANsurfer Switch Manager
Save Default Fabric View File Dialog
Uninstalling SANsurfer Switch Manager
Load Default Fabric File Dialog
SMS Uninstall
Standalone Uninstall
Changing the Encryption Key for the Default Fabric View File
Saving and Opening Fabric View Files
Setting SANsurfer Switch Manager Preferences
Using Online Help
Viewing Software Version and Copyright Information
SANsurfer Switch Manager User Interface
Faceplate Display
Menu Bars
Topology Display Menu
Faceplate Display Menu
Shortcut Keys
Tool Bar
Tool Bar Buttons
Fabric Tree
Fabric Tree
Graphic Window
Working Status Indicator
Data Window and Tabs
Using the Topology Display
Switch and Link Status
Selecting Switches and Links
Working with Switches and Links
Arranging Switches in the Display
Opening the Faceplate and Topology Display Popup Menus
Topology Data Windows
Using the Faceplate Display
11. Faceplate Display
Working with Ports
Port Views and Status
Selecting Ports
Opening the Faceplate Popup Menu
Faceplate Data Windows
Managing Fabrics
Radius Servers
Adding a Radius Server
Add Server
Managing Fabrics Radius Servers
Removing a Radius Server
Remove Server
Editing Radius Server Information
Edit Server Information
Modifying Authentication Order Radius Server Information
Modify Authentication Order Radius Server Information
Connection Security
Securing a Fabric
Fabric security consists of the following
Security Consistency Checklist
User Account Security
Device Security
Edit Security Dialog
Edit Security Dialog
Creating a Security Set
Create Security Group Dialog
Creating a Security Group
Create Security Group Member Dialog
Create a Security Group Member Dialog
Managing Fabrics Securing a Fabric
Creating a Security Group Member
Editing the Security Configuration on a Switch
Using the Security Config Dialog
Viewing Properties of a Security Set, Group, or Member
Activating a Security Set
Archiving a Security Configuration to a File
Deactivating a Security Set
Fabric Services
Configured Security Data Window
Active Security Data Window
Enabling In-band Management
Enabling Snmp Configuration
Click the In-band Management Enable button
Tracking Fabric Firmware and Software Versions
Saving a Version Snapshot
Viewing and Comparing Version Snapshots
Exporting Version Snapshots to a File
Fabric Version Snapshot Analysis Dialog
Managing the Fabric Database
Adding a Fabric
Removing a Fabric
Opening a Fabric View File
Saving a Fabric View File
Deleting Switches and Links
Rediscovering a Fabric
Adding a New Switch to a Fabric
Replacing a Failed Switch
Displaying Fabric Information
Topology Display Switch and Status Icons
Fabric Status
Displaying the Event Browser
11. Events Browser
Severity Levels
Discarded when you close a SANsurfer Switch Manager session
Editor or browser
Filtering the Event Browser
12. Filter Events Dialog
Sorting the Event Browser
Saving the Event Browser to a File
Devices Data Window
Devices Data Window Entries
Active Zone Set Data Window
13. Active Zone Set Data Window
Working with Device Information and Nicknames
Link Data Window
Displaying Detailed Device Information
Managing Device Port Nicknames
Exporting Device Information to a File
Creating a Nickname
Deleting a Nickname
Editing a Nickname
Exporting Nicknames to a File
Zoning a Fabric
Importing a Nicknames File
Zoning Concepts
Soft Zones
Access Control List Hard Zones
Zone Sets
Zoning Database
Viewing Zoning Limits and Properties
Using the Zoning Wizard
Editing the Zoning Database
Managing the Zoning Database
Managing the zoning database consists of the following
Edit Zoning Dialog Tool Bar Buttons and Icons
Edit Zoning Dialog Tool Bar Buttons and Icons
Configuring the Zoning Database
Interop Auto Save
Saving the Zoning Database to a File
Default Visibility
Discard Inactive
Restoring the Zoning Database from a File
Restoring the Default Zoning Database
Removing All Zoning Definitions
Managing Zone Sets
Creating a Zone Set
Copying a Zone to a Zone Set
Activating and Deactivating a Zone Set
Removing a Zone from a Zone Set or from All Zone Sets
Managing Zones
Removing a Zone Set
Managing zones involves the following
Creating a Zone in a Zone Set
Adding Zone Members
Removing a Zone from a Zone Set
Renaming a Zone or a Zone Set
Removing a Zone Member
Removing a Zone from All Zone Sets
Managing Aliases
Changing Zone Types
Creating an Alias
Adding a Member to an Alias
Removing an Alias from All Zones
Merging Fabrics and Zoning
Zone Merge Failure
Zone Merge Failure Recovery
Managing Fabrics Zoning a Fabric 59097-02 B
Managing Switches
Managing User Accounts
Factory User Accounts
User Account Administration Dialog Add Account
Creating User Accounts
User Account Administration Dialog Remove Account
Removing a User Account
Changing a User Account Password
User Account Administration Dialog Change Password
User Account Administration Dialog Modify Account
Modifying a User Account
Displaying Switch Information
Faceplate Display Switch Information
Switch Data Window
Switch Data Window Entries
Switch Data Window Entries
Ing Detailed Device Information on page 3-36for infor
Port Statistics Data Window
Port Information Data Window
Configured Zonesets Data Windows
Configured Zonesets Data Window
Configuring Port Threshold Alarms
Port Threshold Alarm Configuration Dialog
Paging a Switch
Port Threshold Alarm Example
Setting the Date/Time and Enabling NTP Client
Resetting a Switch
Switch Resets
Type Description
Configuring a Switch
Using the Configuration Wizard
Switch Properties
Symbolic Name
Switch Administrative States
Switch Administrative States
Domain ID and Domain ID Lock
Fabric Device Management Interface
Broadcast Support
In-band Management
Advanced Switch Properties
10. Advanced Switch Properties Dialog
Interop Mode for Zoning
Legacy Port Address Format
Timeout Values
Timeout Values
System Services Dialog
11. System Services Dialog
Security Consistency Checklist Dialog
Network Properties
12. Network Properties Dialog
IP Configuration
IP Configuration Parameters
Remote Logging
NTP Client
Snmp Properties
13. Snmp Properties Dialog
Snmp Configuration
Snmp Configuration Parameters
Snmp Trap Configuration
Snmp Trap Configuration Parameters
Managing Switch Stacks
14. Switch Stacks
15. Syslog Dialog
Archiving a Switch
Select Source Dialog
Restoring a Switch
16. Restore Dialogs Full and Selective
Managing Switches Restoring a Switch
Restoring the Factory Default Configuration
Factory Default Configuration Settings
Factory Default Configuration Settings
Upgrading the Switch Using License Keys
Downloading a Support File
17. Features License Key Dialog
Installing Firmware
Displaying Hardware Status
19. Hardware Status LEDs
Managing Switches Displaying Hardware Status 59097-02 B
Managing Ports
Displaying Port Information
Displaying Port Types
Monitoring Port Status
Port Types
Port Operational States
Displaying Port Operational States
Displaying Port Speeds
Port Speeds
Displaying Transceiver Media Status
Port Transceiver Media View
Port Statistics Data Window Entries
Port Statistics Data Window Entries
Port Information Data Window Entries
Port Information Data Window Entries
Configuring Ports
Port Properties Dialog
Changing Port Administrative States
Port Administrative States
Changing Port Speeds
Changing Port Types
Stream Guard
Changing Port Symbolic Name
Device Scan
Using the Extended Credits Wizard
Resetting a Port
Designate Donor Ports
Testing Ports
Port Loopback Test Dialog
Managing Ports Testing Ports
Graphing Port Performance
Fabric View Graphs
This section describes how to do the following
Starting SANsurfer Performance Viewer
Save Default Performance View File Dialog
Exiting SANsurfer Performance Viewer
Load Default View File Dialog
Saving and Opening Performance View Files
Changing the Default Performance View File Encryption Key
Setting SANsurfer Performance Viewer Preferences
Setting the Polling Frequency
Displaying Graphs for a Switch
Displaying Graphs for a Stack
Arranging Graphs in the Display
Default Graph Options Dialog
Customizing Graphs
Managing Ports Graphing Port Performance
Printing Graphs
Setting Global Graph Type
Rescaling a Selected Graph
Saving Graph Statistics to a File
Command Line Interface
Logging On to a Switch
Working with Switch Configurations
User Accounts
Modifying a Configuration
Backing up and Restoring Switch Configurations
Ftp ipaddress userimages password images ftp bin
Table A-1. Command-Line Completion
Table A-2. Commands Listed by Authority Level
Admin Session Commands
Admin Command
Keywords add alias memberlist
Alias Command
Syntax alias
Copy aliassource aliasdestination
Members alias
Delete alias
Remove alias memberlist
CIM Command
Following is an example of the CIM Limits command
CIMListener Command
Table A-3. CIM Listener Configuration Parameters
Edit listenername
Syntax cimsubscription
CIMSubscription Command
Table A-4. CIM Subscription Configuration Parameters
Keywords create subscriptionname
Edit subscriptionname
Syntax config
Config Command
Keywords activate configname
Edit configname
Save configname
#ftp symbolicname or ipaddress user images
Keywords certificate
Create Command
Syntax create certificate support
Local directory now /itasca/conf/images bin
Following is an example of the Create Certificate command
SANbox xxxx admin # create support
Syntax date
Date Command
Keywords MMDDhhmmCCYY
Keywords add licensekey
Feature Command
Syntax feature
Authority Admin
Firmware Install Command
Syntax firmware install
Group Command
Syntax group
Keywords add group
Table A-5. ISL Group Member Attributes
Table A-6. Port Group Member Attributes
Copy groupsource groupdestination
Configures security for attachments to other switches
Table A-7. MS Group Member Attributes
Create group type
Edit group member
Table A-8. Group Member Attributes
Rename groupold groupnew
Members group
Remove group memberlist
Securitysets group
Following is an example of the Group Edit command
Following is an example of the Group List command
Following is an example of the Group Members command
Hardreset Command
Help Command
Help command keyword
Following is an example of the History command
History Command
Hotreset Command
Keywords cleanup
Image Command
Syntax image
Ftp Ftp switchname
Wait for the unpack to complete
Following is an example of the Lip command
Lip Command
Admin session
Lip portnumber
Passwd Command
Syntax passwd accountname Keywords accountname
Ping ipaddress
Ping Command
Following is an example of a successful Ping command
Authority None Syntax ps
Ps Command
Examples The following is an example of the Ps command
Displays current system process information
Closes the Telnet session
Quit Command
Authority None
Syntax quit, exit, or logout
Keywords config configname
Reset Command
Syntax reset
Table A-9. Switch Configuration Defaults
Table A-10. Port Configuration Defaults
Parameter 4-Gbps Port Defaults
Table A-11. Port Threshold Alarm Configuration Defaults
Table A-12. Zoning Configuration Defaults
Table A-13. Snmp Configuration Defaults
Table A-14. Radius Configuration Defaults
Table A-15. Services Configuration Defaults
Table A-16. System Configuration Defaults
Table A-17. Security Configuration Defaults
Security Command
Keywords active
Following is an example of the Security History command
Following is an example of the Security Limits command
Following is an example of the Security List command
Securityset Command
Delete securityset
Create securityset
Groups securityset
Following is an example of the Securityset Groups command
Following is an example of the Securityset List command
Config option
Set Command
Keywords alarm option
Syntax set
Log option
Setup option
Switch state
Pagebreak state
Table A-18. Set Config Port Parameters
Set Config Command
Set config
Port portnumber
Send Arbff True instead of IDLEs False on the loop
Table A-18. Set Config Port Parameters
Table A-19. Security Configuration Parameters
Table A-20. Set Config Switch Parameters
Resource Allocation Timeout Value. The number
Table A-21. Set Config Threshold Parameters
Table A-22. Set Config Zoning Parameters
Following is an example of the Set Config Port command
Enter key to do so Configuring Port Number AdminState
Following is an example of the Set Config Security command
Following is an example of the Set Config Switch command
Following is an example of the Set Config Threshold command
Following is an example of the Set Config Zoning command
Set Log Command
Set log
Component filterlist
Display filter
Level filter
Port portlist
Alarms are always logged and always displayed on the screen
Stops logging of events
Set Port Command
Disables the port by removing power from the port lasers
State state
Radius Services Snmp System
Set Setup Command
Set setup
Configuration fields
Table A-23. Radius Service Settings
Table A-24. Switch Services Settings
Table A-24. Switch Services Settings
Table A-25. Snmp Configuration Settings
Table A-26. System Configuration Settings
Table A-26. System Configuration Settings
Following is an example of the Set Setup Services command
Following is an example of the Set Setup Snmp command
Following is an example of the Set Setup System command
Show Command
Keywords about
Cimlistener listenername
Alarm option
Cimsubscription subscriptionname
Log option
Fdmi portwwn
Perf option
Table A-27. Show Port Parameters
Post log
Steering domainid
Table A-28. Switch Operational Parameters
Displays all connected devices
Displays the current time zone setting
Following is an example of the Show Fabric command
Following is an example of the Show Domains command
Following is an example of the Show Fdmi command
Following is an example of the Show Fdmi WWN command
Following is an example of the Show NS local domain command
Following is an example of the Show NS portID command
Following is an example of the Show NS domainID command
Following is an example of the Show Interface command
Following is an example of the Show Port command
Following is an example of the Show Switch command
Following is an example of the Show Topology command
59097-02 B 105
Following is an example of the Show Version command
Show Config Command
Show config
Following is an example of the Show Config Port command
Following is an example of the Show Config Switch command
Following is an example of the Show Config Threshold command
Following is an example of the Show Config Zoning command
Show log
Show Log Command
Keywords numberofevents
Displays all critical events
Snmp events
Displays all informative events Displays all warning events
Displays all events related to EPorts
Following is an example of the Show Log command
Show Perf Command
Errors portnumber
Outframe portnumber
Following is an example of the Show Perf Byte command
Show setup
Show Setup Command
Following is an example of the Show Setup Services command
Following is an example of the Show Setup Radius command
Following is an example of the Show Setup Snmp command
Following is an example of the Show Setup System command
Shutdown Command
Syntax shutdown
Syntax test
Test Command
Port portnumber testtype cancel Status
Keywords port portnumber testtype
Cancels the online test in progress
Test port x online
Examples The following is an example of the Uptime command
Uptime Command
Authority None Syntax uptime
Keywords accounts
User Command
Syntax user
Following is an example of the User Add command
Following is an example of the User Accounts command
Following is an example of the User Edit command
Following is an example of the User Delete command
Following is an example of the User List command
Examples The following is an example of the Whoami command
Whoami Command
Authority None Syntax whoami
Keywords add zone memberlist
Zone Command
Syntax zone
Copy zonesource zonedestination
Remove zone memberlist
Delete zone
Members zone
Rename zoneold zonenew
Following is an example of the Zone Members command
Following is an example of the Zone Zonesets command
Zoneset Command
Syntax zoneset
Rename zonesetold zonesetnew
Delete zoneset
Remove zoneset zonelist
Zones zoneset
Following is an example of the Zoneset Zones command
Zoning Command
Opens a Zoning Edit session
Table A-29. Zoning Database Limits
Limit Description
Following is an example of the Zoning Limits command
Following is an example of the Zoning List command
Command Line Interface Zoning Command 142 59097-02 B
Access Control List Zone
Administrative State
Default Visibility
Class 3 Service
Configured Zone Sets
Fabric Management Switch
Maintenance Button
Input Power LED
Inter-Switch Link
Maintenance Mode
Small Form-Factor Pluggable Zoning Database
Soft Zone
User Account
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