Importing the WAV or AIFF files
MV-8800 Owner’s Manual
Check multiple samples you have captured
The RESULT (MULTIPLE) popup appears when multiple samples are captured as a result of sampling or
import process. On the RESULT (MULTIPLE) popup, following operations can be done.
Edit sample name
Preview samples
Assign multiple samples to pads at one time
Delete multiple samples at one time
Wave Display
Display waveform of the sample selected on sample list.
Sample List
Display captured samples as list. Below the list, number and total size of captured samples are displayed.
Press [F5](OK) when you complete to edit sample name or preview the sample. The RESULT (MULTIPLE)
popup will be closed.
If you like to assign captured samples to pads as partials or audio phrases, press [F3](Quick Assign). The
Select Quick Assign message (Screen Guide; p. 213) will appear.
F-button Explanation
[F1](Retry) “Retry sure?” message will appear. Press [F5](Yes) to delete captured sample.
[F2](Name) The EDIT NAME popup will appear. You can edit the name of sample selected on sample list.
[F3](Quick Assign) The SELECT QUICK ASSIGN popup will appear. Assign captured multiple samples to pads
at one time.
[F4](Preview) Auditions the currently-highlighted file in the sample list.
[F5](OK) The RESULT (MULTIPLE) popup will close.
F-button Explanation
[F3](AssignToAphrs) The AUDIO PHRASE QUICK ASSIGN (MULTIPLE) popup (Screen Guide; p. 215) will
appear. The multiple samples will assign to the specified pads as audio phrase.
[F5](AssignToPatch) The PATCH QUICK ASSIGN (MULTIPLE) popup (Screen Guide; p. 218) will appear. The
multiple samples will assign to the specified pads as patch. 68ページ 2006年11月10日 金曜日 午後1時48分