Importing the WAV or AIFF files

MV-8800 Owner’s Manual

Importing data


Viewing only specific types of file

Press [F2](View) in IMPORT screen, the VIEW FILE TYPE popup (Screen Guide; p. 221) will appear.

You can select the kind of files that will be shown in the list.


Select the kind of files that will be shown in the list.

Types of audio files that can be imported

The MV-8800 is able to import WAV files (extension .WAV) and AIFF files (extension .AIF) of the following


Audio files that don’t have a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz will automatically be converted to 44.1 kHz when

they are imported.

Value Explanation

All All files will be shown.

Windows Wave file

AIFF file

Akai MPC2000/2000XL sound file (.SND)

Akai S1000 sound file (.A1S)

Akai S3000 sound file (.A3S)
will appear.

Akai MPC2000/2000XL program file (.PGM)

Akai S1000 program file (.A1P)

Akai S3000 program file (.A3P)

MV-8800 patch (.MV0)
will appear.
Song Standard MIDI File (.MID) will appear.

JPG file (.JPG)

bitmap file (.BMP)
will appear.

Roland S-700 series data (samples, partials, patches) will all be displayed, regardless of how the Type
parameter is set.

If you change the Type setting when check marks have already been assigned to files, all check marks will be
Format Linear (PCM) format
Channels Monaural (1 channel) or stereo (2 channels)
Sampling frequency No limitation
Bit depth 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits 69ページ 2006年11月10日 金曜日 午後1時48分