MV-8800 Owner’s Manual
Stop Trigger
Specifies how sampling will stop.
If you set the Stop Trigger parameter to “Beat” or “Time,” sampling will stop automatically after the specified
time has elapsed.
Beat / Time
Specifies the time after which sampling will stop when Stop Trigger parameter is Beat or Time.
Range: Beat 1–8–20000
Time 000:01–000:02–100:00 (minutes: seconds)
Auto Divide
The Auto Divide function detects regions of silence within the sample, and divides the sample into several
samples at these points.
Gap Time
Silences of a duration longer than the specified time will be considered as silence. The Gap Time parameter
is valid if Auto Divide parameter is on.
Range: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 sec
Auto Emphasis
Automatically pre-emphasis processes after sampling.
Auto Normalize
Automatically normalizes the level after sampling.
Press [F5](Start).
“Now Sampling..” message will appear, and starts sampling.
Range Explanation
Manual Sampling will be stopped manually.
Beat Sampling will stop after the number of beats specified by the Length parameter.
Time Sampling will stop after the time specified by the Length parameter.
Range Explanation
Off Samples without dividing the waveform.
On (
) Divides the waveform at regions of silence.
A maximum of 96 samples can be divided. If a silent region in detected while sampling the 96th sample,
sampling will stop automatically.
If you used the Auto Divide function to create multiple samples, the RESULT (MULTIPLE) popup will appear.
For details, refer to “Check multiple samples you have captured” (p. 68)
Range Explanation
Off Emphasis processing will not be applied to the recorded data.
On (
) Emphasis processing will be applied to the recorded data.
High frequency range of the recorded sample will be boosted when Pre Emphasis is On.
Range Explanation
Off The level of the sample will not be normalized.
On (
) The level of the sampled sound will be boosted as high as possible without causing distortion.
If you use Auto Normalize together with Auto Divide, each divided sample will be normalized.
The remaining time available for sampling is shown in the Remain field of the SAMPLING screen. 85ページ 2006年11月10日 金曜日 午後1時48分