Toshiba DK424, dk14, DK40I Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password, Program 74 Overview, 3-161

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Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password

System & Station

Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password

Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password

Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs

Program Type: System

Initialized Default: Port 000 for all tenants

￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿￿

￿￿ ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU Program 74 Overview3-161

Tenant Number (1~4)

Manual backgroundManual background +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG

DATA = Night Lock Password for selected Tenant (4-digits)

Tenant Number

NT Lock Password (4 Digits)







Program 74 Overview

This program assigns the password for each 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU or 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU￿a￿ button. To lock the system ringing mode requires a password and two buttons: 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU and 1LJKW￿


1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU switches the station to Night Transfer mode.

1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU /RFN + the Night Lock password, locks the 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU button into that ringing mode.

The Strata DK system provides three system ringing modes (Day/Day2/Night). The system ringing modes are controlled by the 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU button which is programmed on a flexible button of a telephone or attendant console. Each ringing mode allows incoming calls to be routed to different destinations.

Programs related to Program 74 are:

Program 39, which assigns the 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU and 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU￿/RFN buttons to stations. Also, these station(s) must be assigned as the designated Night Transfer Lock station in Program *36.

Program 59, which assigns 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU/1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU￿/RFN buttons to attendant consoles. Attendant consoles and stations (assigned in Program *36) can also change the 1LJKW￿7UDQVIHU￿ /RFN button password using a special access code. Program *36 is not required to assign attendant consoles to Night Transfer Lock functions.

Also see Programs 39, *36, *15 and 77-3.

System & Station

Strata DK Programming 5/00


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Toshiba dk14, DK40I, DK424I manual Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password, Program 74 Overview, 3-161