Toshiba dk14, DK40I, DK424I manual Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99, Program 90 Overview

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Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99

Initialization & Test

Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99

Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99

Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs

Program Type: Initialization

Initialized Default: See individual programs





























Programs to be initialized. Add





a range of program numbers













by entering XX*XX or XX**XX.













Press LED Buttons 01 and 02













LEDs 01 and 02 must be On

Program 90 OverviewManual background ￿ Manual backgroundManual background￿￿ ￿￿ Manual backgroundManual background +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG

End Program 90 Exit programming mode

LEDs 01 and 02 must flash

Program 90 Overview

Program 90 enables you to clear all customer data and initialize individual programs or range of programs.

Important! When installing the system, you must run Program 91-9 which runs Program 90 (before running any other program); if you do not, the system could begin to operate erratically.


Running Program 91-9, automatically runs Program 90.

To initialize all programs without dropping calls or erasing user names, speed dial numbers, voice mail ID codes, etc., enter ￿￿￿￿￿￿ as “Programs to be initialized.”

Each “*” program record sheet immediately follows the program record sheet having the same number (example: *31 follows 31 record sheet). However, in system memory all “*” programs follow Program 99. Therefore, “*” program ranges must be initialized separately from non- star programs unless initializing all system Programs (00**99).

For example, to initialize Programs 30, *30, 31, *31, and 32: initialize the range (30*32), for Programs 30, 31, 32; and the range (*30**31), for Programs *30 and *31.

If you are installing the system for the first time, run Program 91-9 to erase random data from RAM (caused by battery jumper movement to the internal battery). You can then skip Program 90, since Program 91-9 automatically runs Program 90.


Strata DK Programming 5/00

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Toshiba dk14, DK40I, DK424I manual Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99, Program 90 Overview