Toshiba dk14, DK424 Program 45-8~9– Toll Restriction Override Code, Program 45-8~9Overview, 4-22

Models: DK40I dk14

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Program 45-8~9 – Toll Restriction Override Code

Toll Restriction

Program 45-8~9 – Toll Restriction Override Code

Program 45-8~9 – Toll Restriction Override Code

Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs

Program Type:

Toll Restriction

Initialized Default: Leaves code assignments blank

￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿￿

￿￿ ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU Program 45-8~9 Overview4-22

SELECT = Item 8 or 9 Manual background Enter 8 to select Code 1. Enter 9 to select Code 2.

Manual backgroundManual background +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG

DATA = Code

Enter 1 to 4-digit code from the table below. Press LED Button 01 to delete or leave a blank. Press LED Button 02 to allow all digits to work.



DATA = (1 to 4 Digits)




8 (Code 1)

9 (Code 2)

Program 45-8~9 Overview

This program enables selected stations in the system to alter the override code. These stations are defined by their users - specified in Program 30, Button/LED 09.

Two different codes can be dialed by any station user to override station-specific restrictions. These codes will not register on SMDR.

To change the codes from selected stations:

Code 1: [PDN] + ￿￿￿￿ + code + 5HGLDO

Code 2: [PDN] + ￿￿￿￿ + code + 5HGLDO


Do not use the same four-digit codes set in Program 44-1~8, Toll Restriction/Traveling Class Override codes.

Program 45 (8~9) overrides Program 44-1~8 if the same codes are used.

Electronic telephone users can use the ￿ button instead of the 5HGLDO button.

Verified Account Codes (Forced or Voluntary) can also be used to override Toll Restriction on a call by call basis. When used for this function, the account code will register on the SMDR report (see Programs 69 and 70).


Strata DK Programming 5/00

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Toshiba dk14, DK40I, DK424I manual Program 45-8~9– Toll Restriction Override Code, Program 45-8~9Overview, 4-22