Toshiba DK424I Programs *10-11and *10-12Overview, Program *10-91– E911 Interdigit Timer, 3-43

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Programs *10-11 and *10-12 Overview

System & Station

Program *10 – Enhanced 911 Operation

Programs *10-11 and *10-12 Overview

Programs ￿10-11 and ￿10-12 assign which QSTU2, KSTU2, RSTU2, RSTU, RDSU, PSTU, or PESU standard telephone ports are connected to the E911 interface unit.

Important! Program 04 Directory Number data must be blank for E911 QSTU2, KSTU2, RSTU2, or RSTU ports.

Program *10-91 – E911 Interdigit Timer

Initialized Default: 15 seconds

￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿ 6SNU ￿￿￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU Program *10-91 – E911 Interdigit TimerProgram *10-91 OverviewProgram *10-92 – E911 Pause Before Send TimerProgram *10-92 Overview3-43Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual background +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG

Interdigit Timer = 91










01~15 seconds



















Interdigit Timer




















Program *10-91 Overview

*10-91 assigns the time allowed to dial each digit after dialing 9 when using the E911 feature. This time will affect the time that LCR or CO Line dial tone is returned when dialing 9. However, a user can dial a 9+ (non-911) calls normally before receiving LCR or CO line dial tone and the DK will route the call appropriately.

Program *10-92 – E911 Pause Before Send Timer

Initialized Default: 0 - No pause













































































Pause Timer = 92














= No pause






































































1.5 second pause






























3 second pause










Pause Timer














































































Program *10-92 Overview

*10-92 assigns the time the DK will wait before sending the Station Primary Directory Number to the E911 SLT port after the E911 SLT port answers.

System & Station

Strata DK Programming 5/00


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Toshiba DK424I Programs *10-11and *10-12Overview, Program *10-91– E911 Interdigit Timer, 3-43, Program *10-91Overview