Toshiba DK40I, dk14, DK424I manual Program 91-9– System Initialization, Program 91-9Overview

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Program 91-9 – System Initialization

Initialization & Test

Program 91-9 – System Initialization

Program 91-9 – System Initialization

Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs

Program Type: Initialization

Initialized Default: See individual programs

Program 91-9 OverviewRepeat a second time after LEDs 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09 extinguish.

￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿ 6SNU ￿ ￿ +ROG ￿ 6SNU ￿ Manual backgroundManual background ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ Manual backgroundManual background +ROG ￿ Program Telephone Exits Program Mode

Enter programming mode. (Do not press [DN] button.)

Press Buttons 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09.

LEDs 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09 must be On.


Program 91-9 Overview

Note Always run Program 91-9 before entering the customer database when first installing a system or when its software must be set to the default configuration, but not while system is in service.

CAUTION! If you run Program 91-9 while the system is in service, it will erase all program data and drop all calls.

Running Program 91-9 also runs Program 03 and assigns codes to all PCBs (except options) installed. It also erases all Program 03 option codes for piggyback PCBs, DSS consoles, RRCS, etc., except the RCOS PCB Code (17).

Program 91-9 erases all random or programmed data in all Strata DK software programs and sets all program data to the default value. It automatically runs all other initialization Programs 90- 00~￿99, 91-1, and 92-1~9. It also brings back logical and physical ports to their initialized settings.

If you are installing the system processor(s) for the first time, after initializing the system, test the RAM: run Program 00 Part 2.

CAUTION! Running Program 00 Part 2 drops all calls in progress and interrupts telephone service for 15 seconds. This test will not erase programmed customer data.

Important! Do not use Program 91-9 if you are only making minor programming changes and system programming is basically correct.

Note Run Program 03 after Program 91-9 for: PCBs with options such as Dual-tone Multi-frequency Receivers K5RCU, QRCU3, RRCS, BRCS, and DSS consoles, etc.

...or if entering a customer database into system RAM memory before other system PCBs (stations, lines, options) are installed. Program 03 identifies which universal and option PCBs (e.g., RRCS, BRCS, etc.) are to be installed in each cabinet slot.


Strata DK Programming 5/00

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Toshiba DK40I, dk14, DK424I manual Program 91-9– System Initialization, Program 91-9Overview