4 Enter the following command: service lpd stop
service cups stop
If lpd is already stopped, “Failed” will be displayed.
yWhen using the Red Hat Linux, continue to the next step.
yWhen using other than the Red Hat Linux, skip to step 10.
5 When using the Red Hat Linux, enter the following
6 Select “CUPS” and click [OK]. The information dialog box appears.
7 Click [OK].
8 Enter the following command: service cups start
9 Enter the following command: /usr/bin/cupsconfig
The Common UNIX Printing System page appears. Skip to step 11.
10 Open the browser and locate CUPS by typing “http://localhost:631/” in the address field.
The Common UNIX Printing System page appears.
11 Click the “Manage Printers” link.
The Printer page is displayed.
142 Installing Client Software for UNIX