
The SDRAM controller owns the bus not only when SDRAM is used as the LCD display
RAM but also when SDRAM is used as work, data, or stack area. The SDRAM controller
occupies the bus (ARD MA) while it refr eshes SDRAM data by the auto refresh function.
No special consideration is needed for the ARDMA time normally as it ends within
several clocks per specified number of states. However, if the LCD controller occupies the
bus continuously, ARDMA cannot be executed at normal intervals and refresh data is
stored in a counter specifically provided in the SDRAM controller. In this case, ARDMA is
executed successiv e ly after the LCD controller releases the bus.
The priorities among the three bus masters should be set in the order of LCDC >
SDRAMC > CPU. The t im e the CP U stops op erat ion wh ile th e LCD c ontr oller an d SD RAM
controller are trans ferring data for on e line is defined as “tSTOP (LDMA ARDMA)”, which is
calculated as follows:
tSTOP (LDMA ARDMA) = tSTOP (LDMA)[s] (tSTOP (LDM A)[s] / AR interval [s] × 2 / fSYS [Hz] )
CPU bus stop rate = tSTOP (LDMA ARDMA)[s] / LHSYNC [period: s]
Auto Refresh Intervals
SDRCR<SRS2: 0> Frequency (System Clock)
Auto Refresh
(states) 6 MHz 10MHz 20MHz 40MHz 60MHz 80MHz
0 0 0 47 7.8 4.7 2.4 1.18 0.78 0.59
0 0 1 78 13.0 7.8 3.9 1.95 1.30 0.98
0 1 0 156 26.0 15.6 7.8 3.90 2.60 1.95
0 1 1 312 52.0 31.2 15.6 7.80 5.20 3.90
1 0 0 468 78.0 46.8 23.4 11.70 7.80 5.85
1 0 1 624 104.0 62.4 31.2 15.60 10.40 7.80
1 1 0 936 156.0 93.6 46.8 23.40 15.60 11.70
1 1 1 1248 208.0 124.8 62.4 31.20 20.80 15.60

Unit: [μs]