
3.25.5 Setting Example

Condition: Wake-up trigger=INT4(TSI)
org 002000h
ld (syscr0),40h ; Enable low frequency clock
ldw (wdmod),0b100h ; Disable WDT
ldw (admod0),0000h ;
ldw (admod2),0000h ;
ldw (admod4),0000h ;
Disable AD converter
ld (lcdctl0),00h ; Disable DMA operation
ld (pmfc),80h ; Set PM7 port to PWE function
ld (p9fc),40h ;
ld (inte34),50h ; Set INT4 and set level
ld (tsicr1),00h
; Disable de-bounce circuit
ld (pllcr0), 00h ; Change CPU clock from PLL to fOSCH
ld (pllcr1), 00h ; Stop the PLL circuit
ld (pmcctl),00h ; Set Warm-up time
di ;
ld (pmcctl),80h
; Enable <PCM_ON> = 1
Shift to Power Cut Mode
; After Wake-up
org 046000h
ld (pmcctl),00h ; Disable <PCM_ON> = 0