
3. Read
Reading vali d data
; ***** Read valid data*****
ldw (ndfmcr0),2010h ; CE0 enable
ldw (ndfmcr0),20B0h ; WE enable, CLE enable
ld (ndfdtr0),00h ; Read command
ldw (ndfmcr0),20D0h ; ALE enable
ld (ndfdtr0),xxh ; Address write (3 or 4 times)
; Wait setup time (from Busy to Ready)
; 1. Flag polling
; 2. Interrupt
ldw (ndfmcr0),2015h ; Reset ECC, ECCE enable, CE0 enable
ld xx,(ndfdtr0) ; Data read (512 times)
ldw (ndfmcr0),2010h ; ECC circuit disable
ld xx,(ndfdtr0) ; Redundancy data read (8 times)
ld xx,(ndfdtr0) ; ECC data read (3 times)
ld xx,(ndfdtr0) ; Redundancy data read (2 times)
ld xx,(ndfdtr0) ; ECC data read (3 times)
Generating ECC Reading ECC
; ***** Read ECC *****
ldw (ndfmcr0),2010h ; ECC circuit disable
ldw xxxx,(ndeccrd0) ; Read ECC from internal circuit
; 1’st Read: D15-0 > LPR15:0 For first 256 bytes
ldw xxxx,(ndeccrd1) ; Read ECC from internal circuit
; 2’nd Read: D15-0 > FFh+CPR5:0+11b For first 256 bytes
ldw xxxx,(ndeccrd0) ; Read ECC from internal circuit
; 3’rd Read: D15-0 > LPR15:0 For second 256 bytes
ldw xxxx,(ndeccrd1) ; Read ECC from internal circuit
; 4’th Read: D15-0 > FFh+CPR5:0+11b For second 256 bytes
Software processing
The ECC data generated for the read operation and the ECC in the
redundant area in the NAND Flash are compared. If any error is found, the
error processing routine is performed to correct the error data. For details,
see “Error Correction Methods”.