
b. If <MST> = 0 (Slave Mode)
In the slave mode the T MP92CZ26A opera tes either in norm al slave mode or in
slave mode after losing ar bitration.
In the slave mode, an INTSBI interr upt request occurs when the TMP92CZ2 6A
receives a slave address or a GENERAL CALL from the master device, or when a
GENERAL CALL is received and data transfer is complete, or after matching
received address. In the master mode, the TMP92CZ26A operates in a slave m ode
if it losing arbitration. An INTSBI interrupt request occurs when a word data
transfer terminates after losing arbitration. When an INTSBI interrupt request
occurs the <PIN> is cleared to “0” and the SCL p in is pulled down to the Low-level.
Either reading/writing from/to the SBIDBR or setting the <PIN> to “1” will
release the SCL pin after taking tLOW time.
Check the SBISR<AL>, <TRX>, <AAS>, and <AD0> and implements processes
according to conditions listed in the n e xt table.
Example: In case matching slave address in slave receive mode, direction bit is “1”.
INTSBI interrupt
if TRX = 0
Then shift to other process
if AL = 1
Then shift to other process
if AAS = 0
Then shift to other process
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SBICR1 X X X 1 X X X X Set the bit number of transmit.
SBIDBR X X X X X X X X Set the data of transmit.
Note: X: Don’t care