3.8.2 Control register and Operation after reset release
This section describes the registers to control the memory controller, the state after reset
release and necessary settings.
(1) Control Register
The control registers of the memor y co ntro ller are as follows and Table 3.8.1 t o Table 3.8.2.
Control register: BnCSH/BnCSL(n=0 to 3, EX)
Sets the basic functions of the memory controller that is the connecting memory
type, the number of waits to be read and written.
Memory start address register: MSARn(n=0 to 3)
Sets a start address in the selected add ress areas.
Memory address mask register: MAMR (n=0 to 3)
Sets a block size in the selected a ddress areas.
Page ROM control re gister: PMEMCR
Sets to control Page-ROM.
Adjust the timing of control signal register: CSTMGCR, WRTMGCR, RDTMGC Rn
Adjust the timing of rising/falling edge of control sig na l s.
Internal-Boot ROM control register: BROM CR
Sets to access Boot-ROM.