
The process that calculating CRC16 of transmits data and sending CRC next to
transmit data is explained as follows.
(1) Set SPICT <CRC16_7_B> to select CRC7 or CRC16 and <CRCRX_TX_B> to select
calculating data.
(2) To reset SPICR regist er, write “1” after write<CRCRESET_B> to "0".
(3) Write transmit data to SPITD register, and wait for finish transmission all data.
(4) Read SPICR reg ister, and obtain the result of CRC calculation.
(5) Transmit CRC which is obtained in (4) by the sa m e way as (3).
CRC calculation of receive data is the same process.
Figure 3.17.7 Flow chart of CRC calculation process
Transmit all data
Read CRC from SPICR
Write CRC in SPITD and send