

Load Word Right (cont.)


It is alright to put a load instruction that uses the same rt as the LWR instruction immediately before LWR. The contents of general-purpose register rt are bypassed internally in the processor, eliminating the need for a NOP between the two instructions.

No Address Error instruction is raised due to misalignment.

Operation :

T:vAddr ((offset15)16 offset15..0) + GPR[base]

(pAddr, uncached) AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA) pAddr pAddr31..2 (pAddr1..0 xor ReverseEndian2)

if BigEndianMem = 1 then pAddr pAddr31..2 02


byte vAddr1..0 xor BigEndianCPU2

mem LoadMemory (uncached, WORD-byte, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)

GPR[rt] mem31..32-8*byte..0 GPR[rt]31-8*byte..0

Exceptions :

UTLB Refill exception (reserved)

TLB Refill exception (reserved)

Address Error exception


Page 165
Image 165
Toshiba TX39 user manual 154