Using 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Spanning Tree Port Parameter Defaults
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 6-3
Spanning Tree Port Parameter DefaultsMST Region Defaults
Although the following parameter values are specific to the MSTP (802.1s), they are configurable regard-
less of which mode (flat or 1x1) or protocol is active on the switch.
Parameter Description Command Default
Spanning Tree port administrative state bridge slot/port Enabled
Spanning Tree port priority value bridge slot/port priority 7
Spanning Tree port path cost. bridge slot/port path cost 0 (cost is based on port speed)
Path cost mode bridge path cost mode AUTO (16-bit in 1x1 mode, 32-
bit in flat mode)
Port state management mode bridge slot/port mode Dynamic (Spanning Tree Algo-
rithm determines port state)
Type of port connection bridge slot/port connection auto point to point
Parameter Description Command Default
The MST region name bridge mst region name blank
The revision level for the MST region bridge mst region revision
The maximum number of hops autho-
rized for the region
bridge mst region max
The number of Multiple Spanning Tree
Instances (MSTI).
bridge msti 1 (flat mode instance)
The VLAN to MSTI mapping. bridge msti vlan All VLANs are mapped to the
Common Internal Spanning
Tree (CIST) instance