LDAP Servers Managing Authentication Servers
page 20-20 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Password Policies and Directory Servers
Password policies applied to user accounts vary slightly from one directory server to another. Normally,
only the password changing policies can be set by users through the directory server graphical user inter-
face (GUI). Other policies accessible only to Network Administrators through the directory server GUI
may include one or more of the following operational parameters.
Log-in Restrictions
Change Password
Check Password Syntax
Password Minimum Length
Send Expiration Warnings
Password History
Account Lockout
Reset Password Failure Count
LDAP Error Messages (e.g., Invalid Username/Password, Server Data Error, etc.)
For instructions on installing LDAP-enabled directory servers, refer to the vendor-specific instructions.
<attributes> Attributes to be returned for entry search results. All attributes are
returned if search attributes are not specified.
<scope> Different results are retrieved depending on the scopes associated
with entry searches.
“base” search: retrieves information about distinguished name as
specified in URL. This is a <base_dn> search. Base searches are
assumed when the scope is not designated.
“one” (one-level) search: retrieves information about entries one
level under distinguished name (<base_dn> as specified in the
URL, excluding the base entry.
“sub” (subtree) search: retrieves information about entries from all
levels under the distinguished name (<base_dn>) as specified in
the URL, including the base entry.
<filter> Search filters are applied to entries within specified search scopes.
Default filter objectClass=* is used when filters are not designated.
(Automatic search filtering not yet available.)
components description