Configuring Port Mapping Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 9-3
Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session
Before port mapping can be used, it is necessary to create a port mapping session. The following subsec-
tions describe how to create and delete a port mapping session with the port mapping user-port
network-port and port mapping command, respectively.

Creating a Port Mapping Session

To create a port mapping session either with or without the user ports, network ports, or both, use the port
mapping user-port network-port command. For example, to create a port mapping session 8 with a user
port on slot 1 port 2 and a network port on slot 1 port 3, you would enter:
-> port mapping 8 user-port 1/2 network-port 1/3
You can create a port mapping session with link aggregate network ports. For example, to create a port
mapping session 3 with network ports of link aggregation group 7, you would enter:
-> port mapping 3 network-port linkagg 7
You can specify all the ports of a slot to be assigned to a mapping session. For example, to create a port
mapping session 3 with all the ports of slot 1 as network ports, you would enter:
-> port mapping 3 network-port slot 1
You can specify a range of ports to be assigned to a mapping session. For example, to create a port
mapping session 4 with ports 5 through 8 on slot 2 as user ports, you would enter:
-> port mapping 4 user-port 2/5-8

Deleting a User/Network Port of a Session

To delete a user/network port of a port mapping session, use the no form of the port mapping user-port
network-port command. For example, to delete a user port on slot 1 port 3 of a mapping session 8, you
would enter:
-> port mapping 8 no user-port 1/3
Similarly, to delete the network ports of link aggregation group 7 of a mapping session 4, you would enter:
-> port mapping 4 no network-port linkagg 7

Deleting a Port Mapping Session

To delete a previously created mapping session, use the no form of the port mapping command. For
example, to delete the port mapping session 6, you would enter:
-> no port mapping 6
Note. You must delete any attached ports with the port mapping user-port network-port command
before you can delete a port mapping session.