Configuring Ethernet Ports Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 1-15
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example to disable flow control on the interface on slot 2 port 3 and document
the interface type as Fast Ethernet enter:
-> no flow fastethernet 2/3
Setting Flow Control Wait Time
By default, the flow control wait time is 0 microseconds. Use the flow wait time command to configure
flow control wait time on a specific port, a range of ports, or all ports on a switch (slot). When config-
ured, flow control wait time specifies the amount of time (in microseconds) that the transmitting device
waits before resuming transmission of data packets to the receiving device. The valid range is 0 to 30000
microseconds. (The flow control wait time on 10 Mbps ports is not configurable.)
Note. If auto-negotiation is implemented and enabled for the interface, the Pause mode for this interface is
determined by Auto-negotiation and Full-duplex.

Configuring the Flow Control Wait Time

To configure flow control wait time for an entire switch (slot), enter flow followed by the slot number,
wait, and the desired wait time in microseconds. For example, to configure a flow control wait time of 96
microseconds on slot 2 enter:
-> flow 2 wait 96
Note. Setting the flow control wait time to zero (0) accomplishes the same function as the flow no wait
command (restoring flow control wait time). See “Restoring the Flow Control Wait Time” on page1-16
for more information.
To configure flow control wait time for a single port, enter flow followed by the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, wait, and the desired wait time in microseconds. For example, to configure a flow
control wait time of 96 microseconds on slot 2 port 3 enter:
-> flow 2/3 wait 96
To configure flow control wait time for a range of ports, enter flow followed by the slot number, a
slash (/), the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, wait, and the desired wait time in micro-
seconds. For example, to configure a flow control wait time of 96 microseconds on ports 1 through 3 on
slot 2 enter:
-> flow 2/1-3 wait 96
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to configure the flow control wait time as 96 microseconds on slot 2
port 3 and document the interface type as Fast Ethernet enter:
-> flow fastethernet 2/3 wait 96