Configuring Static Link Aggregation Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 12-9
Adding and Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group
The following subsections describe how to add and delete ports in a static aggregate group with the static
agg agg num command.

Adding Ports to a Static Aggregate Group

The number of ports assigned in a static aggregate group can be less than or equal to the maximum size
you specified in the static linkagg size command. To assign a port to a static aggregate group you use the
static agg agg num command by entering static agg followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the port
number, agg num, and the number of the static aggregate group.
In addition, ports must be assigned sequentially and the first port configured must begin with port number
1, 9, 17, or 25 on an OmniSwitch 6624, 6600-U24, 6600-P24, or 6602-24; 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, or 51
on an OmniSwitch 6648; or 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, or 49 on an OmniSwitch 6602-48. (In a stack, ports on
different switches can be in the same static aggregate group.) Ports must also be the same speed (i.e., all
10 Mbps, all 100 Mbps, or all 1 Gbps). See the tables and figures below for more information.
Note. You can add up to 16 ports to a single aggregate group in a stack as long as no more than 8 ports are
added on a single switch.