Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics Configuring Static Link Aggregation
page 12-18 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics
You can use Command Line Interface (CLI) show commands to display the current configuration and
statistics of link aggregation. These commands include the following:
When you use the show linkagg command without specifying the link aggregation group number and
when you use the show linkagg port command without specifying the slot and port number these
commands provide a “global” view of switch-wide link aggregate group and link aggregate port informa-
tion, respectively.
For example, to display global statistics on all link aggregate groups (both static and dynamic) you would
-> show linkagg
A screen similar to the following would be displayed:
Number Aggregate SNMP Id Size Admin State Oper State Att/Sel Ports
1 Static 40000001 8 ENABLED UP 2 2
2 Dynamic 40000002 4 ENABLED DOWN 0 0
3 Dynamic 40000003 8 ENABLED DOWN 0 2
4 Static 40000005 2 DISABLED DOWN 0 0
When you use the show linkagg command with the link aggregation group number and when you use the
show linkagg port command with the slot and port number these commands provide detailed views of
link aggregate group and link aggregate port information, respectively. These detailed views provide
excellent tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems.
For example, to display detailed statistics for port 1 in slot 4 that is attached to static link aggregate group
1 you would enter:
-> show linkagg port 4/1
A screen similar to the following would be displayed:
Static Aggregable Port
SNMP Id : 4001,
Slot/Port : 4/1,
Administrative State : ENABLED,
Operational State : DOWN,
Port State : CONFIGURED,
Link State : DOWN,
Selected Agg Number : 2,
Port position in the aggregate : 0,
Primary port : NONE
Note. See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide for
complete documentation of show commands for link aggregation.
show linkagg Displays information on link aggregation groups.
show linkagg port Displays information on link aggregation ports.