Configuring 802.1Q Configuring an 802.1Q VLAN
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 11-7
Configuring the Frame Type
Once a port has been set to receive and send tagged frames, it will be able to receive or send tagged or
untagged traffic. Tagged traffic will be subject to 802.1Q rules, while untagged traffic will behave as
directed by normal switch operation. (Setting up rules for non-802.1Q traffic is defined in Chapter4,
“Configuring VLANs.”) A port can also be configured to accept only tagged frames.
To configure a port to only accept tagged frames, enter the frame type command at the CLI prompt:
-> vlan 802.1q 3/4 frame type tagged
To configure a port back to accepting both tagged and untagged traffic, use the same command with the
all keyword, as shown:
-> vlan 802.1q 3/4 frame type all
Note. If you configure a port to accept only VLAN-tagged frames, then any frames received on this port
that do not carry a VLAN identification (i.e., untagged frames or priority-tagged frames) will be discarded
by the ingress rules for this port. Frames that are not discarded by this ingress rule are classified and
processed according to the ingress rules for this port.
When a port is set to support both tagged and untagged traffic, multiple VLANs for 802.1Q traffic can be
added to the port, but only one VLAN can be used to support untagged traffic. The untagged traffic VLAN
will always be the port’s default VLAN.
Note. You cannot configure a link aggregation group to accept only tagged frames.
For more specific information, see the vlan 802.1q frame type command section in the OmniSwitch CLI
Reference Guide.