Port Mirroring Diagnosing Switch Problems
page 27-18 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session (Shorthand)
Once a port mirroring session configuration has been created, this command is useful for enabling or
disabling it (turning port mirroring on or off) without having to re-enter the source and destination ports
and unblocked VLAN ID command line parameters.
To enable a port mirroring session, enter the port mirroring command, followed by the port mirroring
session ID number and the keyword enable. The following command enables port mirroring session 6
(turning port mirroring on):
-> port mirroring 6 enable
Note. Port mirroring session parameters cannot be modified when a mirroring session is enabled. Before
you can modify parameters, the mirroring session must be disabled.
To disable a port mirroring session, enter the port mirroring command, followed by the port mirroring
session ID number and the keyword disable. The following command disables port mirroring session 6
(turning port mirroring off):
-> port mirroring 6 disable
Displaying Port Mirroring Status
To display port mirroring status, use the show port mirroring status command. To display all port
mirroring sessions enter:
-> show port mirroring status
A screen similar to the following will be displayed:
Session Mirrored Mirroring Mirror Mirroring Mirroring
slot/port slot/port Direction Vlan Status
6. 1/23 1/24 bidirectional NONE OFF
9. 2/1 2/11 inport 7 ON
To display a specific session enter show port mirroring status followed by the port mirroring session ID
number. For example:
-> show port mirroring status 6
Session Mirrored Mirroring Mirror Mirroring Mirroring
slot/port slot/port Direction Vlan Status
6. 1/23 1/24 bidirectional NONE OFF
In this example, the status of the mirrored and mirroring ports in mirroring session 6 is displayed. The
locations of the mirrored and mirroring ports are shown, (slot 1, port 14 and slot 1, port 16, respectively),
along with the mirroring VLAN ID number (5), direction, and mirroring Status (port mirroring is OFF).