Configuring VLAN Rule Definitions Defining VLAN Rules
page 8-12 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Refer to the following sections (listed in the order of rule precedence) for instructions on how to define
each type of VLAN rule:
To display a list of VLAN rules already configured on the switch, use the showvlan rules command. For
more information about this command, refer to the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide.
Defining DHCP MAC Address Rules
DHCP MAC address rules capture DHCP frames that contain a source MAC address that matches the
MAC address specified in the rule. See “Application Example: DHCP Rules” on page 8-22 for an exam-
ple of how DHCP port rules are used in a typical network configuration.
To define a DHCP MAC address rule, enter vlan followed by an existing VLAN ID then dhcp mac
followed by a valid MAC address. For example, the following command defines a DHCP MAC address
rule for VLAN 255:
-> vlan 255 dhcp mac 00:00:da:59:0c:11
Only one MAC address is specified when using the vlan dhcp mac command to create a DHCP MAC
rule. Therefore, to specify multiple MAC addresses for the same VLAN, create a DHCP MAC rule for
each address. If dealing with a large number of MAC addresses in sequential order, consider using a
DHCP MAC range rule described in the next section.
Use the no form of the vlan dhcp mac command to remove a DHCP MAC address rule.
-> vlan 255 no dhcp mac 00:00:da:59:0c:11
Rule See
DHCP MAC Address “Defining DHCP MAC Address Rules” on page8-12
DHCP MAC Range “Defining DHCP MAC Range Rules” on page 8-13
DHCP Port “Defining DHCP Port Rules” on page8-13
DHCP Generic “Defining DHCP Generic Rules” on page8-14
MAC-Port-IP Address Binding
MAC-Port-Protocol Binding
MAC-Port Binding
MAC-IP Address Binding
Port-IP Address Binding
Port-Protocol Binding
“Defining Binding Rules” on page 8-14
MAC Address “Defining MAC Address Rules” on page 8-17
MAC Address Range “Defining MAC Range Rules” on page 8-18
Network Address “Defining IP Network Address Rules” on page 8-18 and
“Defining IPX Network Address Rules” on page 8-19
Protocol “Defining Protocol Rules” on page8-20
Custom “Defining Custom (User) Rules” on page8-21
Port “Defining Port Rules” on page 8-21