OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 17-1
17 Configuring RDP
The Router Discovery Protocol (RDP) is an extension of ICMP that allows end hosts to discover routers
on their networks. This implementation of RDP supports the router requirements as defined in RFC 1256.
In This Chapter
This chapter describes the RDP feature and how to configure RDP parameters through the Command Line
Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax
of commands, see the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide.
The following procedures are described:
“Enabling/Disabling RDP” on page 17-8.
“Creating an RDP Interface” on page17-8.
“Specifying an Advertisement Destination Address” on page 17-9.
“Defining the Advertisement Interval” on page 17-9.
“Setting the Advertisement Lifetime” on page17-10.
“Setting the Preference Levels for Router IP Addresses” on page17-11.
“Verifying the RDP Configuration” on page17-11.