Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 13-19
Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters
The table on page 13-3 lists default group and port settings for Alcatel’s dynamic link aggregation soft-
ware. These parameters ensure compliance with the IEEE 802.3ad specification. For most networks, these
default values do not need to be modified or will be modified automatically by switch software. However,
if you need to modify any of these default settings see the following sections to modify parameters for:
Dynamic aggregate groups beginning on page 13-19
Dynamic aggregate actor ports beginning on page 13-23
Dynamic aggregate partner ports beginning on page 13-28.
Note. You must create a dynamic aggregate group before you can modify group or port parameters. See
“Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups” on page13-10 for more information.

Modifying Dynamic Aggregate Group Parameters

This section describes how to modify the following dynamic aggregate group parameters:
Group name (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Name” on page 13-19)
Group administrative state (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Administrative State” on
page 13-20)
Group local (actor) switch actor administrative key (see “Configuring and Deleting the Dynamic
Aggregate Group Actor Administrative Key” on page 13-20)
Group local (actor) switch system priority (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor
System Priority” on page 13-21)
Group local (actor) switch system ID (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System
ID” on page 13-21)
Group remote (partner) administrative key (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner
Administrative Key” on page13-22)
Group remote (partner) system priority (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System
Priority” on page 13-22)
Group remote (partner) switch system ID (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner
System ID” on page 13-23)

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Name

The following subsections describe how to configure and remove a dynamic aggregate group name with
the lacp linkagg name command.
Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group name
To configure a dynamic aggregate group name enter lacp linkagg followed by the dynamic aggregate
group number, name, and the user-specified name, which can be from 1 to 255 characters long.