Configuring Static Link Aggregation Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 12-7
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups
This section describes how to use Alcatel’s Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to configure static
link aggregate groups. See “Configuring Mandatory Static Link Aggregate Parameters” on page12-7 for
more information.
Note. See “Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link Aggregation” on page12-3 for a brief tutorial on
configuring these mandatory parameters.
Alcatel’s link aggregation software is preconfigured with the default values for static aggregate groups as
shown in the table in “Static Link Aggregation Default Values” on page12-2. If you need to modify any
of these parameters, please see “Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters” on page12-15 for more
Note. See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide for
complete documentation of CLI commands for link aggregation.

Configuring Mandatory Static Link Aggregate Parameters

When configuring static link aggregates on a switch you must perform the following steps:
1Create the Static Aggregate Group on the Local and Remote Switches. To create a static aggregate
group use the static linkagg size command, which is described in “Creating and Deleting a Static Link
Aggregate Group” on page 12-8.
2Assign Ports on the Local and Remote Switches to the Static Aggregate Group. To assign ports to
the static aggregate group you use the static agg agg num command, which is described in “Adding and
Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group” on page12-9.
Note. Depending on the needs of your network you may need to configure additional parameters.
Commands to configure optional static aggregate parameters are described in “Modifying Static Aggrega-
tion Group Parameters” on page12-15.