Monitoring Memory Configuring Debug Memory Commands
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 29-5
Displaying the Memory Monitor Log

The debug memory monitor show log command displays memory monitoring log information. By enter-

ing this command, a display similar to the following will appear onscreen:

-> debug memory monitor show log
Task Memory Memory Addr of OS func Calling Previous
Name Comments Addr Size OS call Called Function Caller
tssApp_2* TCB Stac 00ca1550 20680 0013a180 objAllocEx taskSpawn ssAppChild
tssApp_2* Vx B Sem 02317ca8 28 001374d0 objAlloc pipe ssAppChild
tssApp_2* Vx B Sem 02317f78 28 001374d0 objAlloc pipe ssAppChild
tssApp_2* 0107be78 5121 0012cfc8 malloc pipe ssAppChild
tssApp_2* 023182b0 16 0012cfa8 malloc pipe ssAppChild
tssApp_2* 024fdc90 9 00105fb0 malloc pipe ssAppChild
tssApp_2* 016d6548 288 000af228 malloc ssAppChild mip_msg_qu
CliShell0 Vx C Sem 035fe590 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect mip_msg_do
SsApp Vx C Sem 035fe4b8 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect tssAppMain
CliShell0 02318250 2 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 02317538 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 016d6670 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccPars
CliShell0 02318260 1 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 02317718 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 016d68b0 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac PropagateP
CliShell0 023182c8 4 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 027b0060 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 01896b28 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccPars
CliShell0 023182d8 4 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 035fe4e0 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 01e3d928 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccPars
CliShell0 024fdca8 4 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 035fe3e0 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 022b3ab0 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccPars
CliShell0 024fdcb8 3 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 01e37e40 56 02b33a3c malloc SSLexLexem SSYaccStac
CliShell0 022b3bc8 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccPars
CliShell0 02314da8 272 02b33a3c malloc SSYaccStac SSYaccInit
CliShell0 023183d8 512 02b33a3c malloc CliParse clishell_m
CliShell0 027b0100 576 02b33a3c malloc CliParse clishell_m
CliShell0 0107a128 2404 02b33a3c malloc CliParse clishell_m
CliShell0 0107aa98 1280 02b33a3c malloc CliParse clishell_m
Stp Vx C Sem 024fdcc8 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect stpSock_st
LnkAgg Vx C Sem 023182e8 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect lagg_Sock_
AmapMgr Vx C Sem 02318270 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect xmap_main_
GrpMob Vx C Sem 035fe5b8 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect gmcWaitFor
GmapMgr Vx C Sem 02317fa0 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcRecvfrom gmap_main_
VlanMgr Vx C Sem 02317cd0 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcSelect vmcWaitFor
NanDrvr Vx C Sem 02318158 28 0011f038 semCCreate zcRecvfrom nanDriver

In the screen sample shown above, the Task Name field displays the task that owns the memory block.

The Comments field explains what type of memory block has been allocated. The Memory Addr and

Memory Size fields display the address and size of the memory block. The Addr of OS Call field

displays the address of the operating system call that allocated the memory block. The OS func Called

field displays the function that contained the call that allocated the memory block. The Calling Function

field displays the function that called the above-mentioned function. The Previous Caller field displays

the function that called the above-mentioned function.