Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 13-23
For example, to reset the partner system priority of dynamic aggregate group 4 to its default value you
would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 no partner system priority

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

By default, the dynamic aggregate group partner system ID is 00:00:00:00:00:00. The following subsec-
tions describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default value
with the lacp linkagg partner system id command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

You can configure the dynamic aggregate group partner system ID by entering lacp linkagg followed by
the dynamic aggregate group number, partner system id, and the user-specified MAC address (in the
hexadecimal format of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), which is used as the system ID.
For example, to configure the partner system ID as 00:20:da:81:d5:b0 on dynamic aggregate group 4 you
would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 partner system id 00:20:da:81:d5:b0

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

To remove the user-configured partner switch system ID from the dynamic aggregate group’s configura-
tion use the no form of the lacp linkagg partner system id command by entering lacp linkagg followed
by the dynamic aggregate group number and no partner system id.
For example, to remove the user-configured partner system ID from dynamic aggregate group 4 you
would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 no partner system id
Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Actor Port Parameters
This section describes how to modify the following dynamic aggregate actor port parameters:
Actor port administrative state (see “Modifying the Actor Port System Administrative State” on
page 13-24)
Actor port system ID (see “Modifying the Actor Port System ID” on page13-25)
Actor port system priority (see “Modifying the Actor Port System Priority” on page13-26)
Actor port priority (see “Modifying the Actor Port Priority” on page 13-27)
Note. See “Configuring Ports to Join and Removing Ports in a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 13-12
for information on modifying a dynamic aggregate group administrative key.
All of the commands to modify actor port parameters allow you to add the ethernet, fastethernet, and
gigaethernet keywords before the slot and port number to document the interface type or make the
command look consistent with early-generation Alcatel CLI syntax. However, these keywords do not
modify a port’s configuration. See Chapter 1, “Configuring Ethernet Ports,” for information on configur-
ing Ethernet ports.