Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 26-9

Configuring the Membership Timeout

You can modify the IPMS membership timeout from 0 to 4294967295 seconds by entering ip multicast
membership-timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the membership timeout value to
100 seconds you would enter:
-> ip multicast membership-timeout 100

Restoring the Membership Timeout

To restore the membership timeout to its default (i.e., 260 seconds) value you use the no form of the ip
multicast membership-timeout command by entering:
-> ip multicast no membership-timeout
Modifying the Neighbor Timeout
The default IPMS neighbor timeout (i.e., the time the switch will wait for a neighbor probe from a router
before it removes the corresponding entry for the router from the neighbor table) is 90 seconds. The
following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified neighbor timeout value and how to
restore it with the ip multicast neighbor-timeout command.

Configuring the Neighbor Timeout

You can modify the IPMS neighbor timeout from 0 to 4294967295 seconds by entering ip multicast
neighbor-timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the neighbor timeout to 360 seconds
you would enter:
-> ip multicast neighbor-timeout 360

Restoring the Neighbor Timeout

To restore the neighbor timeout to its default (i.e., 90 seconds) value you use the no form of the ip
multicast neighbor-timeout command by entering ip multicast no neighbor-timeout as shown below:
-> ip multicast no neighbor-timeout
Modifying the Querier Timeout
The default IPMS querier timeout (i.e., the time the switch will wait for an IGMP query from a device
before it removes the corresponding entry for the device from the neighbor table) is 260 seconds. The
following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified querier timeout value and how to restore
it with the ip multicast querier-timeout command.

Configuring the Querier Timeout

You can modify the IPMS querier timeout from 0 to 4294967295 seconds by entering ip multicast
querier-timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the querier timeout to 360 seconds you
would enter:
-> ip multicast querier-timeout 360