Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Commands Overview
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 28-9

Removing the Severity Level

To remove the switch logging severity level, enter the no swlog appid level command, including the
application ID and severity-level values. The following is a typical example:
-> no swlog appid 75 level 5
Or, alternatively, as:
-> no swlog appid system level warning
No confirmation message will appear on the screen.
Specifying the Switch Logging Output Device
The swlog output command allows you to send the switch logging information to your console, to the
switch’s flash memory, or to a specified IP address(es).

Enabling/Disabling Switch Logging Output to the Console

To enable the switch logging output to the console, enter the following command:
-> swlog output console
To disable the switch logging output to the console, enter the following command:
-> no swlog output console
No confirmation message will appear on the console screen for either command.

Enabling/Disabling Switch Logging Output to Flash Memory

To enable the switch logging output to flash memory, enter the following:
-> swlog output flash
To disable the switch logging output to flash memory, enter the following command:
-> no swlog output flash
No confirmation message will appear on the screen for either command.

Specifying an IP Address for Switch Logging Output

To specify a particular IP address destination (e.g., a server) for switch logging output, enter the swlog
output socket ipaddr command, specifying the target IP address to which output will be sent. For exam-
ple, if the target IP address is, you would enter:
-> swlog output socket ipaddr
No confirmation message will appear on the screen.
Note. You can also send syslog files to multiple hosts (maximum of four).