BGP and BGP4+ Commands
restart bgp graceful (BGP)
Use this command to force the switch to perform a graceful BGP restart.
Syntax restart bgp graceful
Mode Privileged Exec
Usage Before using this command, BGP
This command stops the whole BGP process and makes the switch retain the BGP routes and mark them as stale. Receiving BGP speakers, retain and mark as stale all BGP routes received from the restarting speaker for all the address families received in the Graceful Restart Capability exchange.
When a restart bgp graceful command is issued, the BGP configuration is reloaded from the last saved configuration. Ensure you first issue a copy
awplus# restart bgp graceful
Related Commands bgp
| Software Reference Supplement for SwitchBlade® x8112, x908, x900 and x610 Series Switches |
AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System - Software Version | 3.199 |